truncate table mysql 5
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 14.4 The MEMORY.
Dec 20, 2010. 13.1.33 TRUNCATE TABLE Syntax ». 13.1.4 ALTER FUNCTION Syntax · 13.1.5 ALTER PROCEDURE Syntax · 13.1.6 ALTER SERVER.
MySQL 5.0 Manual. Dans la version 3.23, TRUNCATE TABLE est équivalent à COMMIT ; DELETE FROM nom_de_table.. Implémentée comme une destruction/création de table, ce qui accélère la suppression des enregistrements .
For the single-table syntax, the DELETE statement deletes rows from tbl_name. See Section 13.1.33, “ TRUNCATE TABLE Syntax”, and Section 13.3.5, “ LOCK.
A number of partitioning-related extensions to ALTER TABLE were added in MySQL 5.1.5. These can be used with partitioned tables for repartitioning, for. Replication and MEMORY Tables - MySQL.
Jan 16, 2005. MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: 14 Storage Engines :: 14.4 The .. (If you use ALTER TABLE or TRUNCATE TABLE , the value in effect at that.
Apr 6, 2006. Description: MySQL manual says: For other storage engines, TRUNCATE TABLE differs from DELETE in the following ways in MySQL 5.0:.
You can stick that in a script and loop through it with all of your table names. http:/ / You may.
truncate table mysql 5
MySQL :: MySQL 5.0 Reference Manual :: Limits and.truncate table mysql 5
MySQL | TRUNCATE: not transaction safe - Sql-info.MySQL Bugs: #46456: HANDLER OPEN + TRUNCATE + DROP.
13.1.17 CREATE TABLE Syntax - MySQL.