indulgence meaning in tamil
harder - Meaning in Tamil - harder in Tamil - Shabdkosh.
secret - Meaning in Tamil - secret in Tamil - Shabdkosh.
excessing - Meaning of excessing in Tamil and English - Shabdkosh.
remember - Meaning in Tamil - remember in Tamil - Shabdkosh.
indulgence - Meaning in Gujarati - indulgence in. - Shabdkosh.
Definition of flung into in the Online Dictionary.. action and immoderate indulgence of bodily appetites, especially in passion or indulgence; "the intemperance.
May 27, 2013. babier - Meaning in Tamil, translation of babier in Tamil, audio. KeyboardTamil: INSCRIPT ROMANIZED. treat with excessive indulgence.
Tamil Meaning of Pamper - Free Online English to Tamil Dictionary.
Definition of delightful in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of delightful.. and many a fanciful young creature besides Rebecca Sharp has indulged in these.
Definition of reminisce in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of reminisce.. recapture the past; indulge in memories; "he remembered how he used to pick flowers".
May 27, 2013. denies - Meaning in Tamil, translation of denies in Tamil, audio. deny oneself ( something); restrain, especially from indulging in some.
indulgence meaning in tamil
babiest - Meaning in Tamil - babiest in Tamil - Shabdkosh.
Definition of frivolity in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of frivolity.. foolery, tomfoolery, lunacy, craziness, folly, indulgence - foolish or senseless behavior.
Definition of envisaging in the Online Dictionary. Meaning of envisaging.. fantasise, fantasize, fantasy - indulge in fantasies; "he is fantasizing when he says he.
mollycoddle - definition of mollycoddle by the Free Online Dictionary.